We all receive feedback from time to time. But are you able to process and act on it? No matter how the feedback is delivered (that’s out of your control), there are several things you can do to take it in and make it work for you. Start by stepping into your feedback session with a neutral mindset and little expectation. This will allow you to be a more open-minded listener. Then, before responding to what you hear, take time to metabolize the input. This means allowing yourself to feel your emotions and investigate what’s at the root of them. Negative reactions are normal but sit with them before reacting. Next, consider the feedback provider’s motives, position, and intent. Do you believe they genuinely want to help you? Do you trust them? With this in mind, reflect on how you’ll move forward and what changes — if any — you want to make. Finally, periodically ask people you respect what they think of your performance to ensure that you’re making the most of the feedback you’ve received and are truly heading in the right direction.
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